Time tracking made simple

Easily manage time and absence on the go.

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Designed with employees at heart

With Emply, your employees can easily track their time and manage absences without added stress and disruption to their daily work.

A flexible approach to time tracking

Your employees have full flexibility and can choose to automate time tracking in the app based on their standrard working hours, or they can track manually on the go.

Let us show you how.

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When simplicity is the right choice

Actionable insights
Gain insights into your employees' work patterns, allowing you to act quickly in cases that don't comply with the rules regarding overtime, breaks, and rest time.
Flexibility at its core
You get a flexible solution that allows your employees to automate time tracking or register working hours as they go directly in the app.
User-friendly interface
Our solution is intuitive and easy to use, minimizing disruption to daily work.
Time and absence combined
Make it easier for your employees with one integrated solution for managing time and absence.

Easy overview of absence

Centralize and access real-time employee absence data to identify patterns, trends, and potential issues in good time.


Make it easier for your employees to submit absence requests, supported by fast, automated approval processes that reward you with accurate and updated data.


Our solution seamlessly integrates both time and absence data, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your workforce planning.

Insights and data form the key to success

Emply's time tracking solution offers crucial insights into your employees' working hours ensuring they maintain an adequate balance between work and rest.


The insights provide you with ample opportunity to adress instances of overworking or insufficient rest. Proactive management of these issues safeguards employee health and prevents work-related illnesses.


At Emply, we continously enhance our software to deliver deeper insights and better compliance, fostering a healthier, more productive workplace.

What's coming

We continously work to improve our products. Coming next is a streamlined app user experience where we combine absence management and time tracking into one consolidated interface, giving your employees a better overview of their entire work schedule.

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