22 Sep 2019

3 Reasons to Use Video

Did you know that you can use video interview in the Emply platform? Below we’ve listed 3 ways you can use video in your application and screening process.


1) Let applicants stand out with a video application


Give the candidates the opportunity to apply with a video application, and let them show their personality and how they stand out from the crowd. Let it be the only option, or use it as a supplement to the cover letter and CV.


The video application will give you much more insight about the candidates very early in the process. It provides you with valuable verbal and nonverbal communication cues such as facial expressions, the ability to present themselves, argumentation style, and how the applicant shows interest and enthusiasm about the job.


Getting a quick impression of the candidates early in the recruiting process makes it easier for you to limit the number of personal interviews, and thereby saving you many hours spent on organizing and handling interviews.



2) Use video interview as a screening tool


Another way to use video is to use it later in the recruitment process. Once you have read all the applications you'll choose the most interesting candidates. Next, you'll send the interview questions that you would like the candidates to answer via video. In that way, you'll only need to watch videos from the candidates that you have chosen.


Their answers will give you a quick impression and will narrow the field further and help you to zoom in on those few that really stand out. Additionally, it gives the candidates flexibility in regards to time and place of the interview.


If you are more people in the hiring committee and you can’t watch the videos together and assess the candidates, it's possible in the Emply platform to like, rate and comment independent of each other. By using this option you don't have to coordinate with your team. That way it's much faster to make decisions.



3) Brand your company and attract the best candidates


Today, the competition for talented candidates is intensive. By using a video in your job ad you have a unique advantage to brand your company. You can present the available position in a video that you’ll upload as a supplement to the job ad.


You can tell shortly and effectively about the position, career opportunities, and which kind of people you are looking for. Additionally, you can present the company culture and employee benefits. Maybe you’ll have an employee talk about your company and why it's a great place to work.


Finding the right match increases as the candidates gain more knowledge about the company and get an impression of how they would fit. In that way you’ll eliminate candidates that are not a good match earlier in the process. You'll get better qualified and more motivated applicants.


If you want to know more about the use of video in the Emply platform contact us at +45 70 28 60 50 or write an e-mail to support@emply.com




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