Does your pre- and onboarding process rely on crumpled post-its, excel sheets, and mental notes? Then perhaps it's time for an update of the digital kind. With Emply, it is possible to systematize and automate processes that ensure a good start-up process. And that could have a major impact on both your new colleague and your bottom line.
In everyday life, where the pace is fast, and many stakeholders are involved, it is virtually impossible to support a good pre- and onboarding process if you do not have the necessary onboarding software.
The difficulties lie particularly in process management, and the big question is often: Who takes the lead? Who is responsible for training and education, who defines the work tasks, and who provides feedback when the first tasks are delivered? Add to that the practical tasks of ordering welcome flowers, setting up email accounts, and introducing new colleagues. The list of tasks is long, and it calls for a clear plan for what has to be done and who has to do it.
A good pre- and onboarding process requires a standardized flow, and here an IT-supported HR system can help establish the necessary structure. With Emply, it is possible to streamline and automate flows so no one person needs to remember everything. It is an advantage for both the company and for the future employee, who feels appreciated by their new employer.
There is no mistaking the value of an IT-supported pre- and onboarding process. Although it can be a major challenge to surpass and integrate the IT system, the advantages vastly overshadow the disadvantages. HR expert Mette Nørlem and sales manager at Emply, Sebastian Manisor Jensen, both agree:
— There is a huge benefit in being able to gather all your checklists, all your data, and all your documentation in one place. We are experiencing more and more legislation when it comes to basic data and master data, but with a supporting IT system it is easy to navigate and comply with requirements, explains the sales manager, who is supplemented by Mette Nørlem:
— There has been a great need to be able to extract data. Data has become an important work tool – also in HR. We want to be able to link data or compare it across platforms, and here it is important to have systems that are integrated and geared to the growing needs.
The large amount of data can be used in the recruitment process to power automated flows and delegate tasks before employees start, and to track their satisfaction after start-up. And this wealth of information is essential for generating knowledge and achieving success.
— The majority of new employees decide within six months whether they want to stay at the workplace. The better the start, the more likely they are to stay. That's why good onboarding is also important if you want to avoid very expensive re-recruitment, and data provides important knowledge that you can use during the process, says Mette Nørlem.
Emply's standard system is a good starting point for data collection, and in addition to being intuitive, it can also be modulated and scaled according to each company's needs.
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